Dear Church Family,

This is a busy week for our church family with TWO major events!  Men, this is you FINAL REMINDER that if you have not yet signed up to attend the Men's Life breakfast this Saturday, please do so TODAY by responding to this email.  The breakfast begins at 8:30 AM and we will be doing catch and release fishing.  This is held on private property so once we have your reservation we will forward the address to you. Remember to bring  lawn chair!!

And ladies, this Saturday you also are having your Spring Tea from 2-4 PM.  If you are a mom, you are encouraged to bring your daughter with you (any age).  Again, reservations are needed so please respond to this email if you are planning on attending but have not yet made your reservation.

Next Sunday is Mother's Day.  I encourage you to bring your mom with you this Sunday.  We will be having Parent Dedication as part of our worship service.  This is also Second Sunday and we will be collecting diapers and baby wipes to donate to Fresh Hope Ministry here in Wichita.

This coming Sunday we will continue our study on “The Greatness of God”.  In preparation, please read Romans 8:31-34. I look forward to seeing you in your place!

Have a blessed week, my friends!

Pastor John

OFFERING AND TITHES:  Text to 316-364-7667 (Message is your donation amount.) Follow the prompts and your information will save for future giving. Simply text this phone number and your amount OR OR

Cards can be called in to Phyllis Crouse at the church office (316.652.0031)

Checks made payable to LifeChange Church can be given through the following avenues:

*mailed to 10225 E. Kellogg Dr, Wichita, KS 67207

*dropped in our "locked" mailbox located on the south driveway

*dropped off at the church during office hours.

Thank you for supporting LifeChange Church Ministries